The Nursery gets all “Artsy”

This time of year at Derby Canyon Natives we have a lull in activity before fall shipments and propagation begin, so I have time for building projects, maintenance… and art!

Last month I finished painting the new nursery building we constructed in late 2016.  The expanses of white siding called out for something so I enlisted the talents of Leavenworth artist Catey Luna to add a botanical display at the north end.  The finished mural is shown below.  Five wildflowers are included, all found up Derby Canyon.  How many can you identify?  Catey can be contacted by email at and you can see more of her art at

I mentioned in my last post my fascination with serpentinite, the beautiful rock associated with serpentine soils in the Wenatchee Mountains.  For several years I have slipped a few of these rocks in my pack on day hikes.  Finally, I am able to show some of them off in a large step I built outside one of the new building’s doors.

My good friend, John Marshall, is an accomplished professional photographer and recently added drone photography to his repertoire.  On a recent warm afternoon (before the smoke descended upon us!) he treated me to shots of Derby Canyon Natives from on high, providing a perspective on the operation I’ve never seen.

The view to the north, surrounded by pears

Looking south, across the Wenatchee River

Coming in for a landing, John at the controls (I’m the one with the highly reflective head)

John is a man of many talents and interests; he can be contacted at  and you can see more of his work at


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