The 2018 Nursery Season is Underway!

Derby Canyon Natives is once again open for business! We are entering our 16th year of native plant propagation and sales; we’ve learned alot and continue to improve and grow.
The snow has melted, the seeds are germinating and our plants are growing. Other than some pockets of vole damage (the pesky buggers!) the nursery stock overwintered well.
Erin cleans up overwintered wildflowers; note the lush Tweedy’s lewisia to her left
Our retail hours remain the same as they’ve been: Fridays 9-5, Saturdays 8-12 noon, and by appointment during the week.
Jeff sets out the #1 golden currant (Ribes aureum)
This is a busiest time of year in the nursery, with work going on seven days a week. It is also the most exciting; for me, the emergence of seeds sown last fall and winter is full of wonder, often relief, and sometimes disappointment.
Little bitterbrush plants (Purshia tridentata) make the scene
Every day is a new discovery: “Look at all the bitter cherry emerging!” “Finally, we got germination of rabbitbrush!” “What is up with the water birch? Two of the seed lots just aren’t popping.”
Arrowleaf balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagitata) seedlings are almost always the first to appear
Hope to see you this year!
Garry oaks (Quercus garryana) emerge from acorns; the roots on many are already 9″ long or more