The nursery is expanding… and closing until next year
The fall colors have been outstanding this year, both in the forest and in the nursery; pictured above are one-year seedlings with Garry oak in the foreground flanked by sagebrush. The extended stretch of mild weather and sunny days has been great for fall projects, including removing orchard to make room for more native plant production.
The business continues to grow and I’ve come to realize that it’s hard on the joints to move all these plants by hand carts. This expansion will allow us to palletize and move plants using equipment (and keep my back and knees operating longer!)
Despite the warm weather it will be November later this week and it is time to put the plants to bed for the winter. An early hard freeze, 20F or below, has caught me before at this time of year and killed the roots of some plants in the smaller tubes. By November 4th we’ll begin the storage process so you best get by before then if that Douglas fir or mock orange can’t wait until April 2014!
Red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea)
Douglas hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii)