Deer-Resistant Native Plants
There are few deer-proof plants. Many factors influence the extent of feeding by deer; the number of deer in the area, the availability of other food sources, winter weather conditions and plant preferences. Deer may have different tastes depending on the area, and may eat young plants while leaving older ones alone. Native plants co-evolved with deer and are often better able to withstand deer browsing, if they are eaten at all. Protective barriers may be needed when plants are young.
Botanical name | Common name |
Achillea millefolium | yarrow |
Anaphalis margaritacea | pearly everlasting |
Artemisia spp. | wormwoods |
Asclepias spp. | milkweeds |
Eriogonum spp. | wild buckwheats |
Eriophyllum lanatum | wooly sunflower |
Gaillardia aristata | blanketflower |
Heterotheca villosa | golden aster |
Heuchera spp. | alumroot, coral bells |
Iris spp. | iris |
Linum lewisii | blue flax |
Lupinus spp. | lupines |
Monardella odoratissima | coyote mint |
Penstemon richardsonii | cutleaf penstemon |
Sedum spp. | stonecrop |
Sphaeralcea munroana | orange globemallow |
Botanical name | Common name |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | kinnikinnick |
Artemisia spp. | sagebrush |
Ericameria nauseosa | rabbitbrush |
Clematis ligusticifolia | Western clematis |
Cornus stolonifera | red osier dogwood |
Lonicera ciliosa | orange honeysuckle |
Mahonia aquifolium | tall mahonia |
Mahonia repens | creeping mahonia |
Pachistima myrsinites | mountain boxwood |
Prunus emarginata | bitter cherry |
Prunus virginiana | chokecherry |
Potentilla fruticosa | shrubby cinquefoil |
Rhus glabra | smooth sumac |
Ribes aureum | golden currant |
Ribes cereum | wax currant |
Ribes sanguineum | red-flowering currant |
Rosa nutkana | Nootka rose |
Rosa woodsii | Wood’s rose |
Salix spp. | willows |
Salvia dorrii | purple sage |
Sambucus. cerulea | blue elderberry |
Spiraea spp. | spirea |
Symphoricarpus albus | common snowberry |
Botanical name | Common name |
Abies spp. | fir |
Acer circinatum | vine maple |
Acer glabrum | Douglas maple |
Acer macrophyllum | bigleaf maple |
Betula occidentalis | water birch |
Crataegus douglasii | black hawthorn |
Juniperus spp. | juniper |
Larix spp. | larch |
Picea spp. | spruce |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Douglas fir |
Thuja plicata | Western red cedar |