
Click on the species name to see photographs of the plant from the California Native Plant Society and other sources.

NamesHeightExposureDrought TolerantCommentSizes
Achnatherum hymenoides
Indian ricegrass
12-24″SXXattractive open inflorescence; narrow, stiff leaves in tight bunch.10ci, 3″
Calamagrostis rubescens
18-30″S, PSHXsoft foliage with reddish stems commonly carpets eastside forest floors.4ci, 10ci, 3″
Deschampsia cespitosa
tufted hairgrass
10-20″S, PSHfrom moist meadows, a strong clump of dark green leaves with dense inflorescence10ci, 3″
Elymus elymoides
bottlebrush squirreltail
6-12″SXXStrongly bunched, low grass with attractive seed heads, quite drought tolerant10ci, 3″
Festuca idahoensis
Idaho fescue
12-18″SXfine, bluish-green leaves in dense clump.4ci, 10ci, 3″
Koeleria macrantha
prairie junegrass
12-24″S, PSHXstrongly tufted grass with attractive, plume-like inflorescence4ci, 10ci, 3″
Leymus cinereus
Basin wildrye
48-72″SXlargest native bunchgrass; broad gray-green leaves10ci, 3″, #1
Pseudoregneria spicata
bluebunch wheatgrass
24-36″SXblue-green foliage; most widespread bunchgrass in Eastern Washington4ci, 10ci, 3″

S=Sun, PSH=Partial Shade, SH=Shade

Native grass seed available for 15 species, with three seed blends packaged for different precipitation zones in the region.


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